Touchdown in Seattle

by Taylor

Today my grandparents and I woke up at 5 am in order to catch our flight to Seattle. We were all flying from across the nation in order to meet in Seattle. The rest of family flew into Seattle earlier than the rest of us (they woke up at 3:30 a.m.) and met up with Slade, Christian’s birth mom. They went up this pretty dope building that is tall and looks like a needle, so it is called “The Space Needle”. Grandma, Grandpa, my cousin Porter and I met up with my family at the Space Needle. I hadn’t seen my family in a week and a half, so it was nice to see them. It was also nice to see Slade since I hadn’t seen her in a while. It was cold and drizzly in Seattle.

The Seattle Space Needle

Here's my family at the top of the Space Needle - but I wasn't with them.

After the Space Needle, we drove to the motel. They are almost like cabins. They are really cute.  Porter and I have our own room. I am really excited.  We are going to stay up and party. But don’t tell my mom… There is also a basketball court right outside. It is awesome. I have been playing basketball almost the whole night. Oh another thing. We are staying right outside North Cascades National Park. This afternoon, we drove up a mountain into the National Park. The green mountains covered with trees and all the waterfalls were beautiful.  It was really foggy since we drove into the clouds—and because it was still rainy outside so we couldn’t see much from the Cascade Pass parking lot.  The road was really narrow and passing cars was pretty awkward. At the top we did a short hike.

Here we all are at Cascade Pass

Here's the foggy view as we drove

The coolest part was on the way down. My uncle suddenly said, “Oh my gosh. Look guys—it’s a bear.” We all pulled over and right off to the side of the road was a medium sized brown bear. It was dope. Tomorrow we are driving two more hours to get to Vancouver. I am really tired because between traveling, EFY, and partying at my grandparents’ house I haven’t gotten much sleep in a long time. Peace out Boizz.


  1. How exciting to see the bear. Your cabin sounds fun and glad you could play basketball. Cascade Pass and the foggy view look lovely. Glad you got together with everyone and thanks for including the picture at the top of the space needle. Much love, Grandma Huber


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