Sentosa Island

by Taylor
for Thursday, July 25th

Today we took a cable car to Sentosa Island. Sentosa island is part of Singapore and very close to the mainland (like literally 5 minutes. You can walk across on a short little bridge). It is the place where the rich people in Singapore go and hang out at. There are tons of resorts right along the beach, shows, an aquarium, and Universal Studios. Originally we were going go to Universal Studios but it was really expensive and we realized that none of us really actually like roller coasters. Instead we went to a fort from World War II and the beach. The view from the cable car was amazing.

riding the cable car into Sentosa Island

inside the cable car

Our first stop on Sentosa Island was Fort Siloso. During WW2, Singapore was owned by Britain. In order to protect Singapore, they built a big fort protecting them from the threat of the Japanese. They didn’t expect the Japanese to fight through the jungles of Malaysia so they pointed all of their cannons toward sea. However, this was a big mistake. The Japanese surprised the British and by the time the guns were turned towards land and ready to go, it was too late. Britain had to surrender to the Japanese. This was a big reason why Singapore became independent actually. They felt like the British had just given up on them and didn’t care about them. There was no war between Singapore and Britain. A little after World War II, Singapore became a country.
Fort Siloso

After the fort we went and got some pizza. It was really good. The place was right next to the beach. I am excited because my mom told me that in Indonesia the place we are staying at this weekend is known for its brick oven pizza. And I really like pizza.
Then we walked about 10 feet to the beach. They was maybe like 5 other people on the whole beach. It was fun except I got really sandy and like just below my neck all around got really burned. The back of my arms got burned the worst.
Siloso Beach on Sentosa Island 

Then that night I played basketball. A few nights before I was playing basketball with my dad and another guy was playing on the other side of the court. I could see from my window on Monday that a bunch of people were playing. My dad asked him about it. He told us they play on Thursdays and Monday night so we joined their game.  It was really fun. I hadn’t played a good game of basketball in a long time. They were all really good though.
Tomorrow we go to Indonesia. We are taking a ferry.


  1. Thanks Taylor. I think Grandma and I will go to Sentosa Island, but like you, we probably won't visit Universal. Siloso beach looks very pleasant. Grandpa Huber

  2. Grandma Albrecht So how many pieces of pizza did you eat? Just wondering. Pizza and basketball?!? Do you feel like you died and went to heaven? Now if those incredibly rich people would just throw a little money your way. Your Uncle Karl was telling us about people who pay $400,000 for a permit to hunt certain animals. They just don't know what to do with all their money. i imagine you could meet lost of people like that on Sentosa Island. Maybe you could find a cute rich girl and get her to text you. Then who knows............ haha.

  3. Grandma Albrecht So how many pieces of pizza did you eat? Just wondering. Pizza and basketball. I bet you feel like you died and went to heaven. Now all you need to do is get some of those rich people on Sentosa Island to share a little of their wealth. Your great Uncle Karl was telling us about people in the US who spend $400,000 to purchase permits to hunt certain animals. He said these are the people who have so much money they don't know what to do with it. Maybe you could bump into a cute girl and convince her to text you and then......... Someday we can attend your wedding in Singapore. haha.

  4. Grandma Albrecht Ooops I published two comments. I couldn't see my first one so I wrote it again, and now I can't figure out how to delete either one of them. Ahhh it's hard to be old and technology inept.

  5. Thank you for your interesting and informative post, Taylor! Glad you got pizza and played basketball! Much love, Grandma Huber


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