Deception Pass State Park

By Sarah Ann
Sunday, July 8th

Our morning was off to a sad start. The Beussmans (my aunt and uncles and three cousins) were leaving. After many hugs and goodbyes, we packed our bags, cleaned the house, and headed off to church, never to return again to the Vancouver house. We went to one hour of church. The person conducting at the meeting said, "It is a beautiful summer day outside. Well, it's raining--and it's cold, but this is Canada." I thought that was funny and very true. It has rained so much here, that I can't remember the last time I saw the sky. It's blue, right? I also need a sweatshirt every day.

After going to one hour of church, we hit the road again. We were headed off to our second country border of the trip, but this one was just to re-enter Washington. We waited in line at customs for probably an hour. There was a park next to the road, and people were getting out and walking round while waiting in line. When we FINALLY crossed the border, we headed to Deception Pass State Park. People say it is the prettiest state park in Washington. We made a quick stop at West Beach. It was pretty. We then walked across this bridge high above the water. I think that was my favorite part because it had the best view. Then we hiked down to the beach below it and threw rocks in the water for a while.

West Beach at Deception Pass State Park

Here's the view from the bridge

Here's the actual bridge

After that, we drove to the ferry that took us from Coupeville to Port Townsend. We accidentally got on the 4:30 ferry instead of the 5:00 ferry, so we got separated from a few people. Whoops! We also had to say goodbye to Aunt Tarythe. On the ferry, we saw an otter which was pretty cool. By the time we got off the ferry we were all starving, and so we went and ate pizza. Then we headed to the new house. It is a lot bigger then the last one. It has a games, a hot-tub, and they even had corn that we could feed the deer. The hot tub turned out to be a warm-tub, and I have a few ethical concerns with feeding the animals, but overall I really like the house.
Crossing to Port Townsend on the ferry 

Relaxing in the warm-tub


  1. Sorry you had to say, "Goodbye" to the Beussmans and Aunt Tarythe. When your dad was on his mission and we spent the day in Vancouver I don't recall it rained. The night before we camped in Bellingham, Washington, which is super close to Vancouver and I don't think it rained there either. Deception Pass State Park and the bridge look lovely. We stayed in Pt. Townsend with friends also. Much love, Grandma Huber


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