Time Traveling to Thailand

By Sarah Ann
July 11, 2019

When we landed in Tokyo after a 10 1/2 hour flight, we were all exhausted. At the airport my dad found a place we could make a type of Japanese art. I can't remember what it is called, but you sprinkled sand on to a black slate to create nature scenes. It was really neat, but my brothers were too tired to appreciate it.

Doing Japanese art at the Tokyo airport

I have to note the bathrooms, since bathrooms are something unique to each country. The bathrooms in Japan were fancy. There was a panel of controls for the toilet including temperature controls, squirting water in different areas, and even playing music.

It wasn't long after we had boarded the plane that we were all asleep. Six and a half hours later, I woke up when we had landed. The first thought I had when I stepped outside and into Thailand, was that it was hot and muggy. We went into the airport, through immigration and customs (I was very excited about another stamp in my passport!) and met our hired driver. It was about an hour drive to our house. The van was very decorated and even had a TV. The view out the window was also neat.

When the van dropped us off, we waked through small, windy alleys to find our house. While my parents were figuring out the keys, stray dogs wandered around us. When we finally got inside our house, which turned out to super cute and pretty awesome in a traditional Thai neighborhood, we all fell asleep immediately.

We have now finished 28 hours of traveling. Because of the time change, this has only added up to 14 hours. We have been eating and sleeping at weird times. Turns out time traveling isn't quite as exciting as it may seem and very exhausting. I can't wait for Thailand adventures!


  1. Time traveling does sound exhausting! Love the picture of you with the 3 Japanese ladies in their kimonos. Thank you for the description of the fancy bathrooms. When I was in Japan close to 50 years ago they weren't that fancy. Glad your house in Thailand is cute. Much love, Grandma Huber


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