Little India and the Arab Quarter

by Taylor
for Tuesday, July 30th

If you know me well, then you probably know that I really do not like museums. Luckily, so far on this trip we haven’t gone to any. But this morning my mom really wanted to go to the Asian Civilization museum. I really couldn’t tell you what museum was like. I just zoned out and walked around aimlessly for about 2 hours. My Mom and Sarah Ann thought it was neat though. 

On display at the Asian Civilization Museum: perfectly preserved bowls from a 9th century shipwreck 

After the museum we went to Little India. Little India felt like an entirely different country. It wasn’t just that almost everyone Indian. It was a whole different culture. For one thing, it wasn't as fancy and glitzy as the rest of Singapore. There were little tourist shops, food vendors, and dusty streets filled with 2nd hand cars. It was cool though. We went into a Hindu temple where there were a lot of people worshipping and burning offerings. We also spent a little time inside the Indian Heritage Center that talked about the history of Indians in Singapore. It was well done but didn't have as many interesting stories as the Chinatown Cultural Center did. We ate dinner at this busy hawker center selling Indian food. The Naan there was amazing.

inside the Sri Veeramakaliamman Temple

They sat food on fire as offerings to the gods

a view over Little India from the Indian Heritage Center

eating dinner at Tekka Center, a hawker center in Little India

 Finally we walked about ten minutes to get to the Arab Quarter. It was where all the Malaysian Muslims lived. There was a mosque but unfortunately it was closed to the public when we were there. There were lots of clothing shops and carpet shops as well as colorful restaurants with Middle Eastern food. It was interesting to see these different cultural parts of Singapore. 

entering the Arab Quarter

Sultan Moque in the Arab Quarter


  1. Even though you didn't like the museum the picture you posted is neat! Little India and the Arab Quarter look fascinating. Thanks for your interesting post!
    Much love, Grandma Huber

  2. Carol Albrecht I love the picture of Little India. The houses remind me somewhat of the row houses in D.C. And I wish you could get them one of those perfectly preserved bowls from the shipwreck. Maybe you could steal one?! haha. Glad you made it through the museum.


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