Adventure in Bangkok

by Christian
Friday, July 12th

Today is our first day in Bangkok. For breakfast, we walked around for a few minutes and then we found this restaurant. Thailand is famous for having great food so we were excited to eat! I ordered blueberry grape smoothies with a ham and cheese omelet. My family all ordered pad thai and other flavors of smoothies. It was really good.

Eating breakfast

Next we went to the Grand Palace, the most famous tourist site in Bangkok. It was really crowded and hot but at least we had audio guides. We all had to wear pants to show respect. It was pretty cool with all the golden structures and the Emerald Buddha. The Emerald Buddha was way up high - and much smaller than I expected. The temple with the Emerald Buddha is the holiest place in all of Thailand.

inside the Grand Palace

 the Grand Palace

When we left, we took an open-air bus to a traditional dance performance. It had a story. The costumes were really cool. The dance performance was air conditioned so we all liked it! After the show, we took a tuk tuk back to the street by our apartment. The tuk tuk was an open car with three wheels - one in the front and two in the wheels. It was kind of scary whenever our driver took tight turns. But we made it safely!

the traditional Thai dance performance

We ate lunch at a place that took a really long time. After we ordered our food, we saw the owner running across the street to buy the ingredients to cook it. My whole family ate Thai food again (curry and pad thai) but I ordered a cheeseburger.

After a little rest at our apartment, we went on a boat down a river to Chinatown. Chinatown was chaotic, crazy, everybody going everywhere, lots of shops, big signs, food stalls and more. We were lucky that we found a place to eat with air conditioning. My mom said I had to stop eating American food and try the food there. The food there was really good. After we ate, we took the boat back to our stop and walked back to our house. It was a really fun, adventurous day. 

in Chinatown


  1. Thanks for sharing your adventure today Christian. Looks like you're having a great time. Grandpa & Grandma Huber

  2. The food does sound good! The Grand Palace and Emerald Buddha sound fascinating! Thanks for writing! Much love, Grandma Huber


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