A Great Day in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

by Christian
for Saturday, July 20th

Our first stop in Kuala Lumpur was the Batu Caves. They are an important Hindu site. They were cool. There were a few bats but mostly birds in there. There were lots of bright colors. We had to climb up 20,000 steps (actually 272 steps) to get to the caves. There were Hindu temples inside the big caves. On the way back down, there were a lot of monkeys getting food from people - either stealing it or having people give it to them. Once they would get a banana, they would peel it themselves and then eat it. One of the monkeys ran on the stair banister so close to me that it touched my arm! Sadly, Taylor was sick this day and didn't see it. His stomach was hurting and he threw up.

The 272 steps of the Batu Caves

There were monkeys everywhere! They came really close to the people.

Next we went to the Petronas Towers - known as the twin towers. They were very close to the apartment we were staying in. Outside the towers was the KLCC park which had a playground and a splashpad. Then we took a tour to the top of the Petronas Towers. Near the top, we got to walk across from one tower to the other on a bridge that wasn't really attached to the towers. Then we took an elevator straight to the top. It was really fun and the views were great. 

KLCC park - right outside the Petronas Towers

the view from the top of the Petronas Towers

When we got back from the towers, Taylor was feeling a little better so we went swimming. The pool was really fun. It was on the roof of the apartment building. There were walls around it so we couldn't fall off the top of the building. But there were small cracks in between the glass that I splashed some water through. I wonder who that landed on! Kuala Lumpur is also very hot and humid so it was nice to swim. 

Swimming in our rooftop pool in downtown KL

 For dinner, we took a Grab car (that's what they use instead of Uber here) to Jalan Alor street. It was very crowded and had a lot of different kinds of food. Every souvenir stand had the exact same things. Some of the foods we tried were dim sum (dumplings), pork on a stick, fried bananas, sugar cane juice (we watched a guy squeeze juice from sugar cane), and rolled fried ice cream.

Buying fried bananas with my dad on Jalan Alor street

The last part of the night was my favorite. We went back to the Petronas Towers to see them lit up at night. We didn't know there was a light show at the fountains but when we went outside, the area was very crowded. We say down by everyone else and soon some music came on. The fountains lit up with different colors. After it was over, we also heard the call to prayer because Malaysia is mostly Muslim. 

the Petronas Towers lit up at night

I loved the light and music show at the fountains by the towers


  1. Thank you for sharing the story and the pictures. Makes it all so real.
    Carol Scheel

  2. Sorry Taylor was sick and glad he felt some better! What a HUGE statue by the Batu Caves. It looked cool and fun at KLCC Park and the pool. Petronas Towers are beautiful and glad you got to walk on the bridge, take a tour, see them at night and see the light show! Good job on your blog, Christian.
    Lots of love, Grandma Huber

  3. Grandma Albrecht. Did you love the rolled fried ice cream? It sounds delicious. When Uncle Scott was in India, they had lots of monkeys. When they would go to a restaurant, they would give them a stick to beat the monkeys off cause they were always trying to steal their food. haha.


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