The Crazy, Fun Day!

by Christian
June 24, 2018

This morning we went to a performance called the Ballet Folklorico. We bought tickets on Friday but Dad lost them. So when we got there, we had to get new tickets (they had us buy tickets for much better seats at 20% of the regular price because they felt sorry for us and we still had our receipt). The performance was pretty cool. It was lots of traditional dancing. I liked the part where the devil came out. First, he came out behind the audience and scared someone in the audience. Then he went on stage with a dancer who was a toy and pretended to stick her with his pitchfork. The dances had a lot of neat costumes and bright colors with designs. Sometimes I thought the ballet was too loud and I covered my ears.

the dancers at the Ballet Folklorico

After the performance, we took Uber to church. When we got there, my mom asked what was happening because there was a crowd of people at the entrance. The person said it was stake conference and it had just ended. So we took another Uber back home and changed our clothes.

Next, we went to some boats (Xochomilco). When we were almost there, people on bicycles came up to the cars and tried to get us to follow them but we didn't. The canals with the boats are a world heritage site because they have been there since the time of the Aztecs. There were tons of little stores by the canals with people selling all sorts of things. We met some friends there (the family of another professor from Mexico City) and went on the boats. The boats were cool. The front and back were slightly slanted. The boats were bright colors and there was a million boats. It was boat rush hour! On the boats, the people who steered the boats used sticks to reach the bottom of the canal and steer. There was lots of music and people selling stuff. My dad paid for a mariachi band to come on our boat and play for us. Everyone liked it but I thought it was really loud. A while later when we were coming back, we bought some candy from one of the people climbing on the boats selling things. The candy was amazing. I liked the first one I tried and then refused to try anything else.

After the boats, we ate dinner with our friends in the town. I had a plate of spaghetti - so did Sarah Ann and Michelle, the little girl with us. I ate my whole plate and ordered a second plate. My parents didn't think I could eat that much but I convinced them I could. I ate my entire second plate before Michelle had finished her first plate. 

Then we said goodbye to our friends and took an Uber home. It was one of my favorite days in Mexico.


  1. I see why that was one of your favorite days in Mexico, Christian! All that fun must have made you extra hungry to eat two plates of spaghetti! Interesting the boats are a world heritage site! We have some Ballet Folklorico groups here. I haven't seen them perform, but as I said before we have a wonderful Mexican dance teacher in our stake and have enjoyed many beautiful performances, some wearing the stunning white outfits in one of your pictures. I have never seen the giant costumes in the same picture with the white outfits. Once someone gave Aunt Leslie the gift of a mariachi band for her birthday. It was exciting. They wore black, not red outfits. Also a mariachi band plays at a restaurant close to us. Your and your siblings' blogs make me realize what a strong Mexican influence we have here!

  2. Christian, sounds like a great day. You guys have seen lots of neat stuff.

  3. Those boats sounds fun! I am guessing you did not try the mexican candy that is Chile flavored. Did the ballet foklorico do the hat dance? That is my favorite.


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