How to sell bus tickets

by Taylor
June 18, 2018
(Editor's Note: Today is Taylor's 16th birthday!)

Today we woke up really early to go to the bus station to take a bus to San Miguel de Allende. The bus ride was just over an hour. We arrived to a small bus station. There were these people there shouting non-stop really loud trying to get you to buy their bus tickets. It was super OBNOXIOUS!

Then we took a taxi to "downtown" of the little pueblo. We walked to this little plaza. The first thing that I noticed was how much Americans there were. We've hardly seen any Americans here before this. We don't mind not seeing Americans though -it's kind of fun not being surrounded by American tourists. Our taxi driver said that 10% of the population are Americans because when people retire they go and live there. Last year, San Miguel de Allende was named the "best city in the world to visit" by Travel and Leisure Magazine. The town was pretty amazing. It had lots of colorful houses and little cobble stoned streets.

in front of the main plaza

After the plaza, we went and saw a church.  It was kind of pink on the outside which was interesting. After the church, we went to a little park there where Christian played on the playground. My Dad stayed at the park to take a phone call, while we walked up some stairs to the Mirador (lookout). The view over the city was great.

 the view of the city from the Mirador

After the mirador, we went back to the plaza to meet up with Dad. After that, we went to a bakery to buy doughnuts. There we went to another plaza (there are a lot of plazas!) to eat our treats. There was lots of pigeons there trying to eat our doughnuts. Christian had lots of fun trying to chase the pigeons. We all liked walking around the streets.

all the streets looked like this!

We had to take Christian to the bathroom. Next to the bathrooms, they were selling churros. I really wanted to buy some but I didn't have the right change. After that, we walked around a little bit and then went to eat la comida. I got to choose since it is my birthday so I chose obviously the best place in the whole town. I chose this delicious restaurant with a beautiful terrace. When they gave us the menu, I was astounded to find out that it was English. Christian really wanted to eat escamoles which I thought was weird because escamoles like stated in previous blogs are ant larvae. (Just kidding....Christian ate spaghetti - but there was ant larvae and grasshoppers on the menu.) The food was delicious.

the menu at the restaurant

My dad was really anxious about missing the bus back so we scarfed down our food and then took a taxi back to the bus station. (Editor's note: we didn't scarf down our food, but we did get to bus station really early.) We got there an hour early. That means an hour of sitting there with the  lady shouting about her bus tickets. I guess some people don't know how to sell bus tickets.

Unfortunately the bus ride was also not my favorite part. Poor little Sarah Ann got sick and threw up on the bus ride. When we arrived in Queretaro we ate Dominos pizza for dinner because it's my birthday. The bus station in Queretaro is really nice. It has Dominos, Burger King and Subway. The pizza was muy rico (delicious)! Sarah Ann is sick again though and threw up in the parking lot.

Tomorrow we are going to Guanajuato. The bus ride is 2 hours and 45 minutes. Hopefully none of us will get sick.

P.S This is a PSA. If you forgot to get Taylor a birthday card the time is now before he gets back. Because he is not home so he will not receive mail until the 26th. So he will not know if it is late.

Another editor's note: Taylor's phone doesn't work here so if you tried to call or text happy birthday to him, he didn't get it. My phone and George's phone work fine though so you can send a message to him through us!


  1. Happy Birthday Taylor and many more! Glad you got to spend your birthday in such a special place. Sorry Sarah Ann's sick and hope she's better right away! Love, Grandma Huber

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Happy 16th Taylor! It sounds like a pretty neat place to be celebrating your birthday, and glad you were not car sick on your birthday. Did you take Uber or just a normal taxi?

    1. $290 for ant eggs? What is this in dollars?

  4. Happy, happy birthday Tay!!! We thought you were just ignoring our texts! You and Rachel should totally setup a double date before you come home. That'd be a great memory to have your first ever date be with a girl in Mexico.

  5. One of my good bilingual colleagues was from Guanajuato. we lived together in Monterey county when i taught kinder in a city near Salinas. She made yummy herb tea with onion, chamomile, garlic, honey and lemon that worked wonders on a stuffy nose

  6. Happy birthday Taylor. It was fun to talk to you on the phone.


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