Next Adventure

This is the post for June 9.

Hi. Rachel here. I know we never posted that we made it home from our China trip, but surprisingly we did, and our lives returned to as ordinary as they ever could be. We didn’t blog, but we have been traveling. We took a road trip with our pop-up camper to Colorado, I went to the Netherlands and New Orleans, and there was also a trip to boundary waters. While this trip won’t be quite as long as our China trip from last time, we will be spending two and a half weeks traveling around Mexico and the blog serves as a good format for us to inform friends and relatives about our travels as well as keep a record for ourselves, so we are back at blogging.

First, a brief update since the last time we blogged was three years ago, and life has changed a bit. I am now 18 – and I enjoy reminding my mom that I am no longer a kid, so the title four kids around the world doesn’t work since I am now an adult. I have graduated high school and one of the adventures in Mexico will be that I get to register for classes at BYU at midnight during our trip – exciting. Taylor is heading into his junior year of high school. He tried to bring his entire wardrobe to Mexico. This got vetoed since we are going to be spending lots of time on buses, so we had to pack lightly. Sarah Ann is as sassy as ever, and I still love her for it. She just finished seventh grade. Then there is Christian, heading into third grade. He is still a ball of positive energy about everything.

We landed last night in San Luis Potosi, Mexico. Of course, our first flight got delayed so we had to sprint across the Dallas airport to make our second flight. And of course, I crossed something out on my customs card, so the security guard made me go fill it out again. In other words, it was just a typical day, full of the usual adventure that accompanies traveling. My dad met us at the airport since he had already been in Mexico for a week. I was very excited to begin practicing my Spanish. We got to the house that was rented for us. It’s HUGE. Sarah Ann and I share a king bed in a bedroom complete with its own bathroom, TV, and couch. My favorite part though is the balcony at the top of the house that gives us a view of the surrounding city.
Well now for a brief overview of what our trip will look like. It is probably different than your typical trip to Mexico because we will not visit a single beach while here. We are in the center part of Mexico, away from the beaches and resorts. Also, this is probably the most boring post, so stay tuned for the more interesting events after this. We will spend a few days in San Luis Potosi (the city) making daytrips or overnight trips to the surrounding areas of San Luis Potosi (the state). Then we will spend 10 days traveling to colonial towns and a couple of days in Mexico City before heading home.
So here it goes. New culture, new food, and new language. I couldn’t be more excited for this next adventure.


  1. Hooray the blog is back! Please give us many details! Enjoy the delicious food and wonderful culture. Glad ypu arrive safely.

  2. that was not boring, what a task to get everyone there and luggage ! did you register for classes yet? that’s crazy you have to do it from another country

    1. Yes I did register for classes, it was crazy to have to do it in Mexico, but it all worked out.

    2. Hi this is Grandma. I also wondered if you registered. Good job getting registered!

  3. Good job reintroducing us to the blog, Rachel. That's great your house has (had - you may have already moved) the balcony. Good job everyone sprinting across the Dallas Airport! Thanks to everyone for writing and for the pictures! Love to all!!!


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