A Rainy Adventure

by Christian

Yesterday we woke up at 6 a.m. Our guides picked us up at our house in San Luis Potosi and drove us three hours to Real de Catorce station. We had breakfast there. Now I have a new favorite food - eggs and ham.

After breakfast, we went in a jeep. I got a little sad because I couldn't ride on the top like my sisters and mom. They said I was too little. The rode up the mountain wasn't paved and it was really bumpy and steep. The ride was fun. Our 2nd stop was at an old mine. The guide talked in Spanish and I couldn't understand him. A while later, we got to a town called Read de Catorce. It was built because of the silver mines but then the silver ran out. The town was really hilly. The roads were all bumpy and unpaved. The town was really neat but some of it was falling apart.

Here's the jeep we rode up the steep mountain

Here we are at an old mine on our way up the mountain

Next, we ate gorditas. I got a cheese one but I didn't like it. After that, we saw a church. Then we rode horses up a mountain. My horse was very friendly. Sarah Ann's horse kept stopping to eat flowers. Then Taylor's horse would try to steel the flowers from Sarah Ann's horse. It started raining when we got near the top. My hands felt like ice cubes. At first, it was sprinkling. Then it was down pouring. We got off our horses at the ghost town ruins from the old silver mine at the top of the mountain. We had to go into a cave to get out of the rain but water was streaming in. I told everyone it was a mud slide. I was cold but my mom held onto my arms so that was good. We went outside but it was still raining so we went back to the cave. We were all wet including our clothes. I kept telling Rachel she was attracting bats with her flashlight on her phone.

I'm riding a horse!

We're hiding from the rain in an old mining cave. You can even see the mud slide by our feet.

I'm at the top of the mountain by the ruins. I'm very wet! Can you tell I'm cold?

We're trying to get warm in the jeep to go back down.

Finally, it was only misting so we got back on our horses and went down the mountain. I got a little scared on the way down because my horse kept walking on the very edge of the trail by a big drop off. The guide wrapped a blanket around me to keep me warm. Then we got back in the jeep and our guide gave us a blanket too. When we got back to the house we were staying at in Real de Catorce station, we had dinner, It was 8:30 p.m. I liked most of the food - especially the potatoes. I was really tired. Then we went to bed.

It was a really rainy and cold - but fun - adventure!


  1. Wow Christian! I had no idea you were such a great horseman! That's so cool that you got to ride a horse all by yourself. Looks like a fun day-

  2. Uncle Matthew loves eggs and ham too, glad you found something yummy. Hope you have better weather the rest of your visit

  3. What an adventure riding a horse and bumpy Jeep! Were you sore from riding the horse? The mountains around the mine look pretty.

  4. I would love to visit the mine with you. Sounds fun.

  5. Hi Christian. This is Grandma Huber. What an adventure! You'll remember that a long time! Glad the guides didn't let you ride on top of the jeep on the bumpy, steep, unpaved road! You look great on the horse. That's interesting about Sarah Ann and Taylor's horses! Sorry you got so cold. That's scary your horse walked near the edge of the steep trail. Thank you and all of you for the pictures. They really help explain your experiences! Are you understanding and learning some Spanish?


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