La parque y el museo

by Taylor

This post is going to be fairly short because today was a pretty chill day. We slept in and ate lunch and breakfast at our house. At 12:00, Marco and two of Claudia's daughters picked us up and took us to a museum nearby. It was a science museum that was really good for children. When we got to the museum it was a little crowded. There was a school group that was visiting the museum. In Mexico they don't have a summer break like ours. The museum was very interactive. There were all sorts of games and buttons that you could push. Christian liked it a lot! The best part of the museum was this little virtual reality part. You could see whales and fish in the ocean. The museum was all in Spanish but it was very interactive and in all really fun. Marco's son, Ernesto, was also there and I hung out with him most of the time.

at the Science Museum

Here we are playing a brain game at the science museum

After the museum we went to a park called Tangamanga. We ate a little snack there of this sort of like Walking taco thing. We can't remember the name. We waited for Marco and Dad to meet us there to go eat La Comida. While we were waiting, Ernesto bought a soccer ball and we played soccer for a while. In the parks, you can buy soccer balls for like 20 pesos which is 1 dollar. It was lots of fun.

 eating snacks at the park

My dad and Marcos arrived and took us to a restaurant that had hamburgers. It was the first American food that I have eaten since we got here. It was muy rico or very delicious! After eating, we returned to our house.

eating dinner

Tonight we are going to eat tacos. However, I don't think that these tacos are going to be like American tacos. Tomorrow we are going to a small village called Santa Maria del Rio.


  1. Eating tacos on Thursday is almost as good as taco Tuesday. I hope you learn new tricks practicing futbol!

  2. Hi this is Grandma Huber. The museum sounds very fun! The virtual reality part sounds neat seeing whales and fish. Your walking taco at Tangamanga sounds fun and it especially sounds neat to be able to buy a soccer ball for a dollar and then play! You look so much taller than you did in March. Also you look good in your glasses. I figure you forgot them in these pictures which are really good! How old are Claudia's daughters?

  3. I notice lots of people wearing long sleeves; what's the weather like this time of year?

  4. Feliz cumpleaƱos Taylor! assume you are still out of the country


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