Time Traveling to Hawaii


August 6, 2015 (the second time)

By Christian


We slept on a plane. (Rachel will explain how we got there the day before we left.) We landed in Hawaii. We went to our hotel and then walked to the beach. The water was super warm. I played in it. There were lots of people around so my mom told me not to throw sand balls at Taylor but twice I threw sand balls at Taylor anyway. The beach had sand, not rocks like China.

Playing at the beach!


Sunset on Waikiki beach

It got dark so we had to leave. On the walk back to our hotel, we got shaved ice. My was really yummy. I got Blue Hawaii which was pineapple and vanilla. When I was eating a few bites, I accidentally tipped it over and my shaved ice fell. And I cried.

Eating the famous shaved ice (right before I dropped mine)


  1. Hey, at least you didn't throw rock balls at Taylor while you were in China. That sunset is pretty amazing! Love grandma Albrecht

  2. It's nice you could stop in Hawaii. As I write this, you should be on your way to Santa Rosa with Aunt Julie. We look forward to your visit and going camping.
    Love, Grandpa Huber

  3. So glad you went to the beach in Hawaii and so glad you're here! When I taught school in Hawaii 46-47 years ago we walked often to Ala Moana Beach which isn't far from Waikiki where you went. You told me Taylor and your dad gave you some of their shaved ice and that you were the last one finished. In the posts I've noticed how kind your family is to you - telling you stories, playing games with you, even carrying you - what a great family you have! And at the beach Sarah Ann's holding your hand. Love, Grandma Huber


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