A Great Day at the Great Wall


August 5, 2015

By Taylor



We woke up very early so we could go to the Great Wall of China. I was excited to get out of the house and go see one of the Seven Wonders of the World. We hired a driver named John Yellowcar (that is how he translates his name into English). We drove 1.5 hours to get to the Great Wall.


We took a cable car up to the Great Wall. It was a little hazy (from air pollution like it almost always is in Chinese cities), but the scenery was beautiful. There were lush green mountains. The Great Wall was fantastic. There weren’t too many people either.


The Great Wall



Sarah Ann’s leapover picture


Rachel’s leapover picture


The girls really wanted pictures of them doing leapovers (a step in Irish dance) on the Great Wall so we took about a million pictures until we got them. The hike up the stairs on the wall was steep but it was totally worth it. They first started building the Great Wall over 2000 years ago to keep out invaders. There were guard towers every so often where the guards could see approaching armies. While they were building it, tons of slave laborers died. I learned in school that they buried many of them right inside the wall.


On the bottom, I got a traditional Chinese hat. I bargained with the shop owner to get a better price. Then we drove to a small dumpling restaurant. It was cheap and the dumplings were delicious.


Here I am with my traditional hat I bargained for 


Next, we drove to the Summer Palace. It’s where the Emperor lived in the summer out in the countryside (but it’s not so much the countryside anymore). It was really hot and crowded. We saw some building where the emperor, his family, and staff lived. Some were really nice but others had fallen into disrepair. We also climbed a million stairs to see a Buddhist temple. Then we took a dragon boat across a large lake.


Taking a dragon boat across the lake at the Summer Palace

That night, my dad, Rachel, Sarah Ann, and I went to dinner. Christian was too tired so he didn’t go. My mom stayed home with him. There we ate Peking duck. Our family ate Peking duck on Monday but I was too sick to enjoy it then. This time, I thought it was delicious. I hadn’t thought I would like it but it was really good. I ate about four tortillas with duck meat in them and I think my dad ate seven.



  1. Nice look Tay. Soccer shirt and shorts with a traditional Chinese hat. If you wear that in Wisconsin, you may start a new fashion trend! Everyone on your soccer team will want a Chinese hat Love, Grandma Albrecht

  2. Glad you are feeling better and were able to enjoy the peking duck. The great wall looks impressive. How did the emperor get to the summer palace? Did he go for lots of rides on his dragon boat?

  3. So glad you felt better, Taylor. Very interesting about the Great Wall and the girls look amazing doing their leapovers there! I bought a hat like yours over 40 years ago in Taiwan. I thought then they called them "Coolie Hats." Glad you enjoyed the Peking Duck! Love, Grandma Huber

  4. It sounds like the Great Wall was one of the favorite places you visited. Next week will be totally different with Lassen Volcanic Park and Crater Lake. I did buy a nice tent for you to sleep in, along with pads to sleep on. I think the girls should do their leapovers on Lassen Peak. Grandpa


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