The #2 Beach in Dalian


August 1, 2015

By Taylor



We got back really late the night before, so we slept in today. Only Mom and Rachel were awake for breakfast. Sarah Ann slept in until eleven o’clock. We decided that we were going to catch up and do laundry. Teddy’s family invited to go to the #2 beach in Dalian named Bangchuidao Beach. (A few weeks ago, we visited the #1 beach. I don’t know why – but all three beach days have been my blog days.)


I was a bit worried about how clean the beach was going to be. The drive was supposed to take us only 20 or 30 minutes, but it took us 2 hours, partly because Teddy’s mom didn’t go over 40 kilometer per hour the whole drive because there was tons of traffic and she is a very cautious driver.  The beach was crowded and I saw that the beach didn’t have any sand. It only had rocks. I was disappointed because I didn’t know if I would have fun. They told us lots of important communist officials like to visit this beach and Mao used to visit also.



Rachel swimming in the ocean


Some observations about the beaches in China is that all the men just swim in their underwear. The women wear rainjackets to swim. There are no bikinis in sight. A lot of people have tubes or other floaties because Chinese people are very cautious (except crossing the street). The water was cold but I got used to it and even though there weren’t very many waves, I still had fun swimming in the water.  The people that came with us to Bingyu Valley also came and joined us. We had a water gun fight. When we were bored of the water, we dug a hole. However that was really hard because the tide had come in and it would knock down our walls and destroy our hole. The tide came in so much that we had to move our beach blanket farther back. I liked that beach better than Golden Pebble Beach (the #1 beach).


Digging our hole


When it was getting dark, we could see some lights across on the other side of the water. My mom said, “I wonder what those lights are.” Christian said, “Those lights are Wisconsin!” We tried to tell him it wasn’t Wisconsin, but he would not change his mind.


The ride home took a long time too. We got stuck at Xinghai Square near our apartment because there were lots of cars since there’s a huge beer festival going on in Dalian. Teddy’s mom got tired of waiting so she turned on a side street and drove the wrong way down a one-way road all the rest of the way home.



  1. No bikinis. I like it. Underwear? Maybe the men should wear the rain jackets. How would you swim in a rain jacket? Just trying to picture that. Do the rain jackets get full of water, and they just float? Grandma Albrecht

  2. Is your dad in the picture by Rachel too? The swim wear sounds memorable. Please pronounce the name of beach for me when you come home. It sounds like it was better than the number one beach there. I think you had more fun than you thought when you first got there. Were the pebbles uncomfortable on your feet?

  3. You've done a good job writing about the beaches, Taylor. What interesting clothing they wear. Like Grandma Albrecht I also like there are no bikinis. Each time you wrote about the beach I thought of our beach less than an hour away with all that great sand. When it's hot here it's usually cool and pleasant at the beach. The water can be cold but we go in anyway. Maybe someday we'll all go there. The ride to the beach is pretty through scenic West Sonoma County. That's neat Christian thought the lights were of Wisconsin and interesting that Teddy's mother drove the wrong way on a one-way road. Excited to see you and your family. Love, Grandma Huber


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