An Awesome Visit to Hong Kong


July 30, 2015

By Christian


Today we went on a train to Hong Kong. At the train station, they push a lot and don’t stand in line. They also cut a lot. I like to ride on trains because they go fast. The train had two levels and we got to ride on the top level. I sat on the inside so I got to look out the window.


In Hong Kong, we took a taxi to our hotel where we had a family room. I really like having a family room (meaning we all slept in one big room). Then we went to a museum (the Hong Kong Museum of History).


Looking at an exhibit at the History Museum

Next, we met some friends. They had a little boy named Isaac. I liked him and we ran around chasing each other. We rode a train up a mountain where we could see lots of buildings and the ocean.


The view from Victoria peak


It was so fun to see graduate school friends who live in Hong Kong now!

Then the girls went to Temple Street night market. But I didn’t because I was too tired.


Temple Street Night Market


Rachel will write more tomorrow.


  1. Were these friends that you knew in Wisconsin when you lived there the first time? Are they there temporarily or permanently? That's kind of amazing - to find old friends in Hong Kong. It's getting to be a small world. Hey Christian, that is a really cute picture of you. It sounds like you are having lots more fun now.

  2. Hi from Grandma Huber. I got to go to Hong Kong several times and really liked it! So glad you met your friend, Isaac, Christian, and that your family met up with old friends. Your pictures are also terrific! On one of my Hong Kong trips I did lots of shopping. I wasn't married and was teaching school. I had tall leather boots and a red silk Chinese dress made just for me in Hong Kong. We miss you and are excited to see you all. Love always, Grandma Huber

  3. Hi from Grandma Huber again. I also got to ride the bullet train but in Japan, I didn't go to China. I thought it was fun going so fast. People there also push a lot and cut to get on the trains and squish together once on the trains. I remember being in Spain with your family before you were born and people did the same things. I take the train to see your cousins and sit up high like you did. On those trains there's often lots of room. Often I sit by myself at a table that could seat 4 people.

  4. It looks like it is hot there. I hope you had A/C and regular toilets. Did Rachel and Sarah Ann buy anything at the market?


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