Giant Jelly Beans and Roasted Duck


August 3, 2015

By Christian


Our last night in Dalian, I had a bad dream that there was a giant jelly bean that was about to eat me. I cried and woke up Taylor and he took me to my mom and dad’s room. My mom came and sat by me until I felt better.


We woke up early and got on a train to Beijing. We had a table between our chairs and we played Skip-bo. The train took a long time (six hours). After our skip-bo game, I played on my kindle and watched Rescue Bots. Sarah Ann played a never-ending Skip-bo game by herself.


At the Beijing train station, someone from my dad’s work came and picked us up. We came to an apartment we had rented that is kind of like a hotel room.


Waiting for our ride at the Beijing train station


Then we went to a restaurant to eat a duck (Peking Roasted Duck – famous in Beijing). They dip it in sugar. I wanted more sugar on mine. I liked the duck. We wrapped it in a tortilla with some sauce to eat. We ate other things too. Then we drove home with my dad’s co-worker but our car got stuck in traffic for a long time.


Someone is carving the duck for us to eat


  1. Christian, sorry about your dream. Do they eat jelly beans in China? I can hardly wait to hear about your Beijing adventures. I hope you get to walk on the great wall and visit the Forbidden City. Miss you tons! Love grandma Albrecht

  2. We're also sorry about your dream, Christian. We have a fun Jelly Belly Factory here that would scare away any bad dreams! Your Peking Roasted Duck sounds delicious! Looking forward to seeing you soon! Love, Grandma and Grandpa Huber


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