A Turtle Adventure

by Christian
for Wednesday, August 7th

This morning we woke up in Tangalle. We played for a few hours in the waves and pool of our beach house. Then we went to the driveway and our driver picked us up. He drove us two hours to the town of Galle. On the way, we stopped at a turtle conservancy. It was really cool. I got to hold a baby turtle! They hatched baby turtles and care for them until they were ready to go to the ocean. People also brought them injured turtles.

holding a two-day old turtle at the Turtle Conservation Project

After a few more minutes of driving, we made it to Galle. In Galle, we visited the old Dutch fort. At the fort, first we went to this clock tower. Then we walked along the wall for a while. And then we went inside and got some ice cream. We walked back along the wall and saw a really cool view of the ocean. Then we ate dinner. I got macaroni and cheese that was really noodles and cheese but it was really good. We played a game called far star (where you think of a pair of words that rhyme and give a hint for each word). From where we sat at dinner, we could see the sunset. It was cloudy but the sky was still pretty. 

Walking along the walls of the old Dutch fort in Galle

the Dutch Reformed Church

the lighthouse by the fort wall

At 7 p.m., we met our driver and went to the airport in Colombo. There were a lot of security checks because of the Easter bombings. Our flight leaves at 1:20 a.m.


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