A Bike and a Fall
By Christian
Friday, August 13th
We started the day at the Alaska Native Heritage Center where we learned about the Native people in Alaska. My favorite part was the "Minecraft" houses, replicas of the types of houses the Native people built. I called them that because of two things: one, the houses were built into a hill and look like your first bunker in Minecraft, in which you dig a hole in the ground to survive your first night. Second, the corner of the houses looked blocky. I learned that the Native people did (and some still do) in fact make escape tunnels and eat raw food - apparently, it doesn't make you sick as raw chicken would.
The next thing on our agenda was biking. It was fun! The bikes had a gear system that I had never used before. It's like a motorcycle thing where you twist your hand to spin the handle to rev up your motorcycle but only half of the handle turned and it changed gears and not revved up the bike. About five miles in, I fell off my bike. I screamed bloody murder for five minutes before getting shushed by my mom. After that, I decided to just whimper. Once I recovered, I rode two more miles. Then my parents forced me to go back (they were worried I would get too tired - but I was fine! The complaining was before I started talking about my favorite video game!) while my sisters and mom kept going.
Then we had dinner at a restaurant called Humpy's. I decided to get a corn dog. Sarah Ann ate Rudolph sausage (reindeer sausage) and liked it.
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