
by Christian

I woke up at 3:15 this morning and didn't want to sleep anymore. My mom and Sarah Ann were awake too. We went to sleep again at 6 a.m. and didn't wake up until almost 10. We ate breakfast at the hotel and I had lemon cake and bread with nutella. It was good.

For lunch, I ate corn on the cob from a street vendor. Mine was too hot at first but then it was yummy. I also ate a kind of bagel with chocolate and cream cheese.

eating simits (bread rings with sesame filled with cheese or chocolate)
and misir (grilled corn on the cob)

Instead of going to regular church today, we went to a mosque. They sang songs and I had to take off my shoes.

 inside the Blue Mosque

people praying inside the Blue Mosque

Another thing we did that I liked was feed pigeons. Sometimes the pigeons would follow me.

 feeding pigeons (my mom and sisters had to wear head scarves sometimes)
We walked a long ways. I was happy the whole day (except when I made Rachel give me a piggyback ride because my legs hurt).
Rachel says she'll write more about what we did tomorrow.


  1. Christian -- thanks for the update. Did you like feeding the pigeons? They always scared me a little because the seemed so aggressive. I think that is because my neighbors ducks used to chase me around the yard when I was your age, or maybe a little younger.

  2. How amazing fun and yummy! Those are beautiful places. It sounds like such a lovely time.

  3. How amazing fun and yummy! Those are beautiful places. It sounds like such a lovely time.

  4. How amazing fun and yummy! Those are beautiful places. It sounds like such a lovely time.

    1. Sorry my comment got posted 3 times. Not sure why that happened.

  5. Christian, It sounds like you are having a delicious time in Istanbul. And I hear you are somewhat of a celebrity. Of course, how could anyone not love you!

    1. I liked some of the food, but not the food that yucked. (Rachel explained about that in her post in case you are confused by the use of the word yucked.)
      P.S. Is that you Grandma?


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