Bazaars are Bizarre

by Taylor

This morning we started our day by visiting the Grand Bazaar. It was immediately bizarre because a man walked up to my mom and was super nice at first. Then he walked us into his shop and tried to sell his Turkish carpet. He tried to guilt trip us by giving us apple tea, showing us pictures of his kids, putting a small carpet in Christian's hands and saying he could have it and telling us if we didn't buy it, it would hurt his feelings. He didn't want us to think about it and kept telling us how wonderful the carpet was and what a good deal we were getting - it was really intense. We didn't buy the carpet though. Then we got to the Grand Bazaar. Christian and I bought Turkish soccer jerseys there. We bargained for it. There were people everywhere coming up to us and trying to get us to buy stuff.

Inside the Grand Bazaar (Christian is into making "fish" faces in the pictures)

After the Grand Bazaar, we headed to the Suleymaniye  Mosque. We had to walk a long ways to get there and we all had our first experience using squatters to use the bathroom (my dad says we will get to do this a lot more in China). The streets were all really narrow and filled with all kinds of little shops. The mosque was huge but it didn't have as many tourists as the Blue Mosque. The view of the water was really nice.

here's me inside the  Suleymaniye  Mosque
the girls in their head scarves in the mosque courtyard

the view from the mosque

Next, we went to the spice bazaar. We bought some Turkish delight for what we thought was an okay price but when we walked around some more, we realized we got ripped off. We were mad that we almost got tricked about the carpet and did get tricked about the Turkish delight but my mom said it a cultural experience. The spice bazaar was neat - there was a lot of spices, colors, and flavors of Turkish delight.

one of many stores selling spices at the spice bazaar

Last, we went to the New Mosque. It was pretty cool. By then, we were tired and out of money. We took the tram to get back to our hotel.


  1. Taylor, what is Turkish delight?

    1. It is a Turkish candy that is yummy and gummy. Edmond eats it in The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe.

    2. That is where I heard of it before -- I just couldn't remember. Thanks.

  2. Penelope and Cassy and I really enjoyed your post. BUT we're glad we don't have to use squatters here! Today we all got to hold an alligator named fluffy. We enjoyed the day, but missed having you here. However we're glad you are having fun! It sounds like you are having extraordinary experiences. Love, grandma, Penelope and Cassy.

  3. The girls look very glamorous in their head scarves- like movie stars trying to go incognito :) What an experience! -Aunt Cassy

  4. bargaining's a great skill, that's great you used it or at least saw it in real life-Aunt Leslie


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